

The Tri-County Radio Association, located in Union, NJ, is an Affiliate Club of the American Radio Relay League, and is a member of the Hudson Amateur Radio Division, and the Northern New Jersey Section. We are a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit club comprised of approximately 60 individuals, with member interests including local VHF/UHF repeaters and repeater building, V/UHF digital voice, VHF & HF DXing, general HF activity (including phone, CW, and digital), HF digital voice, amateur satellite activity, and moonbounce. TCRA meets twice monthly, and regularly conducts activities and events, including facility/station tours, remote operations and special events stations, and Field Day.

Trinitas Regional Medical Center has a memorandum of understanding with TCRA, within which Trinitas will have access to facilities owned and operated by TCRA for the support of Trinitas emergency communications needs.

Our VHF and UHF repeaters boasts coverage over a large area of Northern & Central NJ, located high atop the Watchung mountains.


The TCRA was founded by a number of amateur radio operators in the fall of 1934. During it’s early years, TCRA was active on the contest circuit, going so far as to wrest the No. 1 position in an ARRL DX contest from the formidable Frankford Radio Club – one of the top contest clubs in the world. The early club repeaters were built from scratch, and even the 2-meter duplexer used into the ’80s was homemade. The late George Deihl, W2IHA, built and maintained most of this equipment, and was the prime mover in our obtaining the site our machines now occupy. Members of TCRA have published articles in QST and other amateur radio magazines, have won Elmer-of-the-Year awards and have distinguished themselves in the worlds of technical and operating skills. George Deihl, W2IHA, was Director of the Hudson Division of the ARRL for many years. The TCRA has always been dedicated to education, and encourages its members to learn through participation and experience.